The ALIEN-ISH ONGO multipurpose eScooter lets you take your workspace anywhere

The ALIEN-ISH ONGO multipurpose eScooter lets you take your workspace anywhere

Get an eScooter that does way more: the ALIEN-ISH ONGO multipurpose electric scooter. It actually combines a backpack, seat, and desk, bringing a whole new meaning to on-the-go work.

At Gadget Flow, I see new eScooters practically every week. And I love how they help users zip through traffic at a reduced cost to both the environment and their wallets.

But an electric scooter isn’t for everyone, especially if you carry a bunch of essentials to work each day or if you work in your car between meetings. Not to mention, most eScooters are heavy and difficult to store in an office or apartment.

So, if you’re looking to replace your car with an eScooter, the tradeoffs are significant. But there’s been an interesting new development in the industry with Crea Cubed’s ALIEN-ISH ONGO.

A new kind of personal vehicle, it reimagines the typical eScooter design as one that more adequately fits a modern professional’s life. Yes, it can store belongings and become a workspace when you urgently need one. Even better, the entire setup folds into a backpack that you can take anywhere.

If that piques your interest, keep reading. This is an electric scooter unlike any I’ve covered before!

ALIEN-ISH ONGO product video

This folding eScooter becomes a backpack

A common gripe about eScooters is their bulk. Many don’t fold and thus can’t easily enter public transport. And even scooters with folding designs take up significant space when compacted. They also may not fold into an attractive shape, becoming an eyesore in your home or office.

The ALIEN-ISH ONGO, however, is an entirely different breed of multipurpose electric scooter. It boasts a foldable design that transforms it into a techy backpack you can take anywhere. How? Its front inner groove fits the control compartment and handlebar.

Then, a groove on the back of the backpack holds the footboard. So, when you reach the office, all you have to do is affix the bike parts to the backpack components and walk in the door.

There’s no lugging heavy equipment upstairs or taking up too much space in the office elevator. And, because it’s so compact, it’ll start conversations with your colleagues instead of earning their ire.

An ultraportable electric scooter

And, thanks to the unique backpack design, this multipurpose electric scooter can travel nearly anywhere with you. The pack shape feels comfortable on your back, while the well-crafted straps distribute the weight evenly across your shoulders.

So carrying the ALIEN-ISH ONGO from the pavement to the office is no ordeal, and you can greet the boss with confidence in the morning instead of huffing and puffing because you’ve carried an oversized eBike up the stairs.

What’s more, the design is lightweight. At just 28.6 pounds, it’s definitely one the lightest eScooters out there. This keeps it easy and safe to carry on your back.

A folding eScooter with a seat helps you work

Don’t always want to stand during your commutes? Crea Cube, Inc. has you covered. In addition to a lightweight and comfortable folding design, it’s also equipped the ALIEN-ISH ONGO with an adjustable seat that raises and lowers to your preferred height.

And, for those days when you want to ride upright, simply press the lock button on the seat trunk. It lowers and pulls the lock lever and tucks the seat away on the foot pedal, transforming the multipurpose electric scooter back into a traditional scooter design.

An electric scooter that comes with a desk

I said this multipurpose electric scooter could turn into a workspace, and I wasn’t kidding. In addition to the seat, the ALIEN-ISH ONGO also has a working desk.

Yes, the smart backpack is mountable to the scooter and serves as a work desk where you can place your laptop or tablet for work that needs to get done during transit.

It also makes a great outdoor office option for times when you need to work on the go but want to enjoy some fresh air or a day with nice weather. It’s something I can totally get behind.

A compact electric scooter with powerful specs

Meanwhile, the ALIEN-ISH ONGO has a sturdy design with all the specs you need for a reliable commute companion. First, there’s the motor. The 250W brushless motor with a 3-gear adjustable speed averages 18 km/hr and can reach up to 25 km/hr. So it’s respectably fast for a city scooter.

But that’s not all. The electric motor produces X torque and has 15° of incline climbing capability. Additionally, it can hold a maximum payload of 100 kg, including the backpack weight.

Finally, the 42V 30A 186650 Li-ion battery pack charges quickly and is guaranteed to give you 18 km on and single charge.

So, as you can see, this eScooter ticks the same boxes as similar electric scooters, plus it has an innovative, portable design. If you’ve been thinking of commuting with an electric scooter, this one is worth considering.

This long-lasting scooter has durable parts

Moreover, while the team worked hard to keep the multipurpose electric scooter design lightweight, the resulting product still has a long lifespan without frequent mechanical breakdowns.

The ALIEN-ISH ONGO is all-weather resistant and can withstand rain, snow, and humid conditions. And, with rust-free operations, you won’t have to worry about a shortened lifespan due to wet weather.

The same goes for dry and dusty environments, as the company promises the product can work well in those climates, too, without breaking or overheating.

Is the ALIEN-ISH ONGO worth it?

Overall, I love the ALIEN-ISH ONGO’s smart design. If you’ve hesitated to buy an eScooter until now because of space and portability concerns, it’s time to reconsider. This multipurpose electric scooter folds and stores itself, negating those issues entirely.

What’s more, the scooter comes with a backpack where you can store belongings like a laptop, wallet, and keys. And then there are the incredibly cool desk and seat, which make work in transit possible with an electric scooter.

I’d recommend this eScooter to anyone interested in buying one for short commutes in a city area or for travel between meetings. It’s definitely one of the most professional-friendly eScooters I’ve seen.

Love the ALIEN-ISH ONGO as much as I do? Preorder yours for just $649 on Kickstarter. Would you buy this eScooter for work? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
