How To Find Your Wi-Fi Password Which You Using?

Have a Good day Viewers,

Are you try to find your Wi-Fi Password and getting bored? No problem. Just Stay...

Here will we represent a method that works fine on Your Windows.
Let"s have a try--------->

First go to Start menu and find "cmd.exe"
Run this program as Administrator.
Now copy the below command and paste it to cmd.

netsh wlan show profile name=portalatoz key=clear | findstr Key
Have to replace the SSID name with your own wi-fi network!!!

You it is not work make sure you run the cmd.exe as a Administrator by right click.

If you would only like to see the password and not the other information, use the findstr command here:
netsh wlan show profile name=labnol key=clear | findstr Key
Hope you can did it dude!!!

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